March Orchid Show and April Judge's Meeting

The LOG in conjunction with Fever Tree Nursery and Halls Gateway recently held an Orchid Show and Green Living Expo.  The theme was Mexican and the festive display and vibrant colours of the sale plants certainly did resemble a Mexican fiesta.

Laelia albida x Laelia anceps (Lourens Grobler)
 A huge thank you to Nola for building the beautiful display and to all members who came to help.  

There was no judging at the show, as it was not part of the LOG's annual show schedule.  

Click here for more photos.
Dendrobium Reha Zehran (Lourens Grobler)

The judges had their monthly meeting on Monday, 4 April and had a discussion about Dendrobium phalaenopsis-type breeding.  Click here to see some of the plants on display at the meeting.
